My name is Brian Ford and I am a licensed marriage and family therapist in Sacramento, California. My practice incorporates elements of Buddhist mindfulness training, aikido, yoga, and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Over the course of my work as a therapist I have developed Auto Process Therapy (self-in-process-therapy) which assumes our core nature to be positive, adaptive, and having tremendous potential for happiness and wellbeing. I have worked with children and families in a variety of clinical settings and I am trained in the Triple P, Positive Parenting Program approach to child rearing. I authored Auto Process Therapy: A Therapeutic Application of Buddhist Psychology, (revised, expanded edition).
I’m Theresa Fluty and I began my partnership with Brian Ford in the co-operation of Heart Tree Studios in Sacramento, California. When I first saw Aikido in 1989 it awoke a desire in me to experience my connection to life, recognize the significance of all beings, and to trust love beyond anxiety and fear. After completing a teacher apprenticeship program with John Smartt, founder of New School Aikido, I spent the next fifteen years co-leading the Aikido Center in Sacramento, California. From the beginning of my Aikido career I was taught that its principles are to be lived. Heart Tree Studios was an evolution of Aikido in me. Now I teach the principles of Aikido through the prism of Enlighten Up Your Day.